Soft City - City & Art // Japan & Berlin

An exhibition and transcultural dialogue on artistic practice in public space
The exhibition consists of three parts, the individual artworks, a dialog room and an extensive side program with workshops and other events. The dialog room incorporates a four and a half Tatami floor (the iconic Japanese matt) on wheels that temporary moves through the district while creating an open platform for interaction with the Marzahn-Hellersdorf public and provide a frame for an exchange with inhabitants and visitors. Starting during the preparation and extending over the period of the exhibition, an open dialogue with the inhabitants of the district will take place, which will continually be carried back into the exhibition. We envision a space within the exhibition dedicated to the dialog where the exchange is visualised and accessible to local residents. With a focus on public spaces, artistic interventions will provide the framework for a dialogue with the district and its inhabitants. Direct interaction is seen as a medium to learn about and from the place, and the exhibition provides a frame to translate these experiences into tangible formats.
An exhibition in Schloss Biesdorf, Marzahn-Hellersdorf featuring artists from Japan and Germany working in urban environments
Accompanying the exhibition a transcultural and trans-disciplinary dialogue on urban life featuring workshops, performances, urban explorations and interactive platforms in public space.
Where: Schloss Biesdorf and different locations in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf
district of Berlin
When: 7. September 2018 - 25. January 2019
Opening: 7. Sep. 18:00
Artist Talk: 8. Sep. 15:00 - 18:00
Artist Picknick in the Schlosspark Biesdorf: 9. Sep. 14:00 - 18:00
Concept, Curation and direction: Titus Spree
Curatorial cooperation: Linda Havenstein, David Bauer, Karin Scheel
Participating Artists:
Florian Baron /Jenny Fadranski
Yuji Ueno
While the artists exhibit fundamentally different approaches to dealing with public space, all developed their works in a close dialog with the spatial and social reality of the area. With backgrounds in architecture/design, video, intervention and installation each individual artist and artists group developed their own approach in dealing with the Marzahn-Hellersdorf embedding in an ongoing creation process.
Another feature is the diverse cultural background of the artists groups which enables them to further diverse perspectives on the very site.
While the Japanese background of most of the artists will not be emphasised explicitly, it should serve as a point of reference that by being outside of the usual system can widen the view and act as a catalyst for new ideas.
* „Soft“ factors in contrast to „hard“ and rigid structures given by urban planning and administrative processes. Soft factors includes all kinds of human activities and networks interacting with their living environment.