jujumo, musician, artist
◉jujumo 沖縄出身の唄うたいエリナと、幼少期を香港で過ごした巻く音、この二人の感覚の共鳴から産まれる音楽は 聴く人それぞれの心に潜む、まだ見ぬ懐かしい世界を呼び覚ます。

Seiyu Shiroma, Painter, Artist
Seiyu Shiroma was greatly influenced by the rich nature of Nishihara-town in Okinawa where he spent his youth and established his style as a

Yuhki Sai, Painter, Artist
ESM Okinawa (Naoko Uchima) represents artist YUHKI SAI. Please contact us if you have any inquiries about her work.